A Cover, and an Announcement
Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 8:49 PM

Here's the jacket design for my debut novel. I just got this yesterday, and I must say I'm delighted. The eagle-eyed among you may notice something amiss, though. Have you spotted it yet?
Yes, the title for the UK edition has been changed to THE TWELVE. The title for the American edition will still be THE GHOSTS OF BELFAST, but it was felt that that title would regionalise the book within a UK market when my publisher Harvill Secker is thinking Big Bestselling Thriller. And I'm happy for my publisher to think Big Bestselling Thriller, thus the change. Outside of the UK market, specifically the USA, the original title will have more resonance, so my American friends get to keep the ghosts.
Anyway, title aside, what do you think of my cover? :)
Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!
Labels: harvill secker, publishing, the ghosts of belfast, the twelve
Oh, frigging sweet! That's going up on CSNI!
I think the cover is brilliant and I am really glad that the original title will stay on the American release. Congratulations!
I rarely get excited over new releases. Especially ones by authors that I have never read, but this one 'feels' different. I am almost giddy with anticipation. Sweet cover by the way.
I love the title, The Ghosts of Belfast, but The Twelve sounds good, too. I like how they made it out of fire--is that fire?
I love how it's green on top, reddish/orange font on the bottom, with everything black and white in between. That's a pretty awesome cover. The designer deserves a tip or something. :-)
I like this artwork, especially the font design on 'The Twelve'.
Also liking that your name is nice and big!
Ooooooooooh!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!
I love it! That is an awesome cover. Did it blow your mind? I think it is so cool!
Great cover, and both titles are awesome. Read the excerpt of Ghosts you have on your website, and I'm hooked!
Wow; you have the best cover blurbs/puffs!
I like the cover and I can't wait to buy my copy of the book! I am glad I'll be getting the one with "The Ghosts of Belfast" as its title; not only is it impossible for me to think of your book as anything else at this point, bit I admit I prefer that title.
I personally want signed copies of both.
Handed to me in person by the author. :P
Oh. And with a hug, too.
:P :P
I wouldn't kick that one out of bed for eating crackers.
The cover looks fab. Very striking artwork. Well done on your success.
warm wishes
awesome, awesome, awesome.
also, is this proof that i can predict the future? ;) just kidding.
i'm so excited for you!! also, does this mean you're planning a publicity trip to the US?
happy thanksgiving!!
Dude, what kind of books is Stephen sleeping with???
Really brilliant cover - also easy to pick out in a bookstore, where I can say - "hey, I (kinda, sort of, remotely) know that guy!"
Woah, it looks awesome!
Interesting to hear about the name change - I can see the logic but it never would have occurred to me. I can't wait to read it.
Am NOT wild about the cover (did you know I used to be a commercial artist?), and HATE the out-of-focus fonts - but hey, most thriller covers aren't great (no doubt I'll hate my own book cover someday).
THE TWELVE? Sounds a bit like Toobin's THE NINE - thought they could have been a bit more imaginative without limiting it to NI region.
Oh, well.
Am at least glad your news was not a film deal cause I'd still like to get the job of TGOB screenwriter.
wow! SO AWESOME! congratulations, stuart!! =D this is so exciting! can't wait to buy the book here...or in the uk? hmm! we'll see! =D
Very snazzy. Of course, I'm wondering what the copy I'll be buying is gonna look like!
Very very nice job
Dude, awesome cover. You must be feeling pretty electric right about now. God bless ye.
Oh, and I blame you for my new fixation with James Ellroy. On your recommendation I read American Tabloid, and from there read LA Confidential, and am now reading The Black Dahlia. Thanks for turning me on to him.
It looks terrific Stuart, well done, and I rather like the new title too, it's verra verra catchy.
The cover looks sinister and exciting! Great colouration. Frankly, it’s gorgeous. You must be so pleased!
And the title change is an excellent marketing decision. Here’s to bestsellerdom! :)
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