Ghosts of Belfast TwitFic Contest: Scare me in 124 characters or less for prizes!
Monday, September 28, 2009, 9:10 PM

As you may be aware, THE GHOSTS OF BELFAST will be published in the USA by Soho Press this Thursday, the 1st of October. I'll be embarking on a US tour (details here) to celebrate the launch, so please come and say hello if you're near any of the venues.
The other thing that happens in October is, of course, Halloween, when our thoughts turn to the ghostly and ghoulish. We all have our own personal ghost stories, so how about you share yours as part of a special Twitter contest? Here's how it'll work:
Go to your Twitter account (you do have one, don't you?) and tweet your own experience of a ghost, along with the hash tag #GhostsOfBelfast so I can find it. That leaves you 124 characters to tell your story. The shorter the better, the scarier the better, the funnier the better.
The contest will close at midnight on 31st of October 2009, and I will choose ten finalists. Each of those tweets will be re-tweeted by me and the good folks at Soho Press (or linked to a special page on my website if they're too long). The finalists will then be put to the vote on via Twitter, and the top five will each win a signed copy of THE GHOSTS OF BELFAST, as well as be featured on the home pages of and What's more, whoever gets the most votes of all wins one of the last remaining copies of THE SIX, my limited edition signed and numbered short story collection - only fifty of these will ever be printed!
So, here are the three simple rules:
1) Tweet your scariest, funniest ghost story in 124 CHARACTERS OR LESS.
2) It's VITAL that you remember to include the hash tag #GhostsOfBelfast or your entry won't be seen.
3) Tweet it before MIDNIGHT 31st OCTOBER.
You can enter as many times as you like, but each tweet must be a different story. So, get tweeting, and good luck!
Labels: competitions, the ghosts of belfast, the six, twitter
I am a rabid, contest-entering barracuda, I am.
And if I had more ghost stories, I could be a serial one too.
Ghosts, Halloween, Ireland - a potent combination.
Fantastic idea for a contest. I'm in!
but my brain has gone on vacation and left me. How can I compete?
And sheesh how come no one ever visits Washington, DC?!!! It's only the nation's capital!
Cool! I can't wait to see the results!
sounds intriguing...
Great idea!
Mini-challenges I can make time for!
Good Luck with the book.
Are these to be fictional or personal reality based stories?
Sounds interesting!
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