So, I just back from my brief holiday in New York yesterday. After sleeping a solid twelve hours last night, I've gathered together a few of my favourite photographs from my trip (click on any to see them at 800x600px - all copyright Stuart Neville 2007 - please ask permission before using elsewhere) along with some random observations about the Big Apple. I'll write something more in depth towards the weekend, but for now...
My first encounter
After the adventure of getting the train from Newark Airport to Penn Station, and then getting the subway out to Queens, I made my way back to Manhattan and exited Penn Stations at 33rd and 8th. This was my first view of the city, with Madison Square Garden right in front of me and the Empire State Building towering over 33rd Street. I just stood there for a while, filled with what can only be described as childish glee. You can just make out the Sabrett's umbrella to the left, which brings me to...
Hot Dogs RuleHow have I lived my whole life without ever tasting a hot dog? I was a little peckish having only airline food in my belly, so thought I'd give one of these a go. Oh, the glory of the hot dog with ketchup. I'm sure they're all sorts of bad for you, but they taste so good. Anyway, having chewed and swallowed that new experience, I started walking towards the tower.
King Kong's ViewIt was late afternoon when I got to the Empire State, and after queueing for a good twenty minutes, the sun was going down when I reached the 82nd floor. I took about a hundred photos, but here are just two...

Sunset over New Jersey

The Chrysler Building
Serenity and the CityOne of many remarkable things about New York is that it's full of little places of serenity (and some not so little). Here's a beautiful little garden where Bleecker Street meets the Avenue of the Americas...

And, of course, there's Central Park where I spent a whole day relaxing...

Washington Square Park was a nice little oasis, too, and here's one of its surprisingly fearless residents who came to say hello...
My Favourite Quiet Place......was Roosevelt Island. The Tramway is an experience in itself, and the views of Manhattan from the promenade are nothing short of spectacular. But it's the peacefulness of it that sticks with me...

While I was there, a young woman with olive skin and dark flowing hair passed me and gave me a shy smile. I didn't have the nerve to ask her for a photograph, but I sneaked one as she walked along the promenade. It turned out to be my favourite photo of the whole trip...
Cool BuildingsAs well as all the landmarks, some of the ordinary buildings just look great...

And I really, really, really wish I lived here...
Other SightsAs I had lunch at an Italian place by the Brooklyn Bridge, a movie or TV show was being filmed just outside. It looked like some sort of detective thing. Anybody recognise the guy in the overcoat?

Of course, I did the Staten Island Ferry thing. The sun was setting on my way back, and I got this view...
I am Lord of the Subway, Master of the E Line
This is the thing I was most nervous about, especially using it at night. I've used underground systems in London and Barcelona, but the New York subway has a certain reputation. I needn't have worried, though, as New York turned out to be about the easiest city to get around of any I've visited. And there were more people on the E train to Queens at midnight than there were at midday. Incidentally, as I took the picture above waiting for the train from Lexington 51st to 59th, someone on another platform with a beautiful tenor voice was singing 'Bridge over Troubled Water' and it sounded like it was coming up from the centre of the earth.
New York NarcolepsyThis seems to be a common condition on the subway. As soon as some people get on the train, they conk out. Including several people who somehow managed to fall asleep while standing up, yet maintain their balance on a moving train. I know this is a mechanism for avoiding the dreaded eye-contact, but I found it somewhat comical ... until it started happening to me. Looking anywhere but people's faces is bloody tiring, so it's easier to just to close your eyes and drift.
What Monkeys Are ForAs any educated person knows, monkeys were put on earth for one reason: to make us laugh. Here are some monkeys at the Bronx Zoo who fail to fulfil their basic purpose by succumbing to New York Narcolepsy...

The gorillas, however, did their best to entertain. Then again, they don't have to try so hard. Because they kind of look like people.

In conclusion (for now)I was left with one thing about New York, one question: how can such an unimaginably huge place seem so small? I suppose it's the feeling of being enclosed as you walk through its canyon-like streets, and being able to get from one side to another in just minutes. While you're within its streets and subways, you have no sense of its scale. And that adds to its immediacy, the sense of here and now and nothing else. More observations to come...